Download Best Terraria Map Viewer Tutorial For Mac
These are the first steps you should take towards beginning your epic map editing journey.
Where are my world files? Ask Question Asked 6 years, 2 months ago. Active 1 year ago. Viewed 76k times 14. Users your name Documents My Games Terraria Worlds regardless of how you configure your system environment variables or Steam library. On Mac, world and character files are at. Terraria Map Editor, TEdit, is a stand alone, open source map editor for Terraria. It lets you edit maps just like (almost) paint! Make a backup of your world file! There is an auto-backup feature that will backup worlds to.wld.Tedit, but you should make your own backups.
*Warning: Back-up your files before you edit anything!
Downloading TEdit
The latest downloads, content files and schematics can be found here: read the Install Requirements!
Loading up the Editor
To load up the editor, if using Windows you can find it under All Programs in the Start Menu, under TEdit.
You can also start the program from the folder it was installed in - it should be named TEditXna.exe and display the TEdit custom icon:
Moving around in the Editor
To pan (move around) the view of your world use the scrollbars located at the bottom and side, or hold down the middle-mouse button and move your mouse around, or use the arrow keys Shortcuts and Keybindings.
To zoom in or out of the map roll you mouse wheel. You can also use Ctrl+= and Ctrl+- (these are the keys above and to the right of “P” on a Qwerty keyboard). The zooming will occur at the position of your cursor and won't occur at all if the cursor is not within the bounds of the world display.
Next Steps
Now that you have the editor up, you will probably want to check out the Basics, the Menubar, the Toolbar, and Information Bar pages. At some point you will also want to check out the World Properties page and learn what can be done there to help shape your world. The Clipboard page will help you out if you want to learn how to use schematics.
These are the first steps you should take towards beginning your epic map editing journey.
*Warning: Back-up your files before you edit anything!
Downloading TEdit
The latest downloads, content files and schematics can be found here: read the Install Requirements!
Loading up the Editor
To load up the editor, if using Windows you can find it under All Programs in the Start Menu, under TEdit.
You can also start the program from the folder it was installed in - it should be named TEditXna.exe and display the TEdit custom icon:
Moving around in the Editor
To pan (move around) the view of your world use the scrollbars located at the bottom and side, or hold down the middle-mouse button and move your mouse around, or use the arrow keys Shortcuts and Keybindings.
To zoom in or out of the map roll you mouse wheel. You can also use Ctrl+= and Ctrl+- (these are the keys above and to the right of “P” on a Qwerty keyboard). The zooming will occur at the position of your cursor and won't occur at all if the cursor is not within the bounds of the world display.
Next Steps
Now that you have the editor up, you will probably want to check out the Basics, the Menubar, the Toolbar, and Information Bar pages. At some point you will also want to check out the World Properties page and learn what can be done there to help shape your world. The Clipboard page will help you out if you want to learn how to use schematics.