Tems Dongle Crack Forums
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I have this piece of software that transfers a file from my pc to my cnc router. The router plugs in via USB and the software creates the specific file and puts it onto the router's flash storage.
The software is pretty basic and I am sure that it would work perfectly on win 7 except for one thing:
The Dongle. The drivers for the dongle do not work under win 7. I have contacted the suppliers of the machine and they have no intention of releasing win 7 drivers for the dongle .
First totally dumb thing: The software is specifically designed to work with the cnc router, so I cannot fathom why it needs to be protected by a dongle.
So I run the software in a virtual box/machine right? The dongle works perfectly in that environment.
But enter the second totally dumb thing. The software will only create the file if the cnc is plugged into the machine. If the cnc is plugged into the machine, and there is more than one usb device plugged in, it asks me what device I want the file copied to, but without the cnc plugged in, it gives an error. And because the cnc has a specific device name when I plug it in (USBCNC), I cannot seem to pass the device through to a virtual machine!
So: I need to do one of two things. I need to make it so that the software will run without the dongle, or I need to make it so that the software will output the file when the cnc is not attached to the pc.
Is this even possible?
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