Rudall Carte Serial Numbers Flute Fingering
. 316pp, lavishly illustrated coloured & b/w plates depicting flutes, alto flutes, bass flutes and piccolos each shown in at least two views. This book is a comprehensive history of the firm and contains detailed descriptions of the many innovative instruments they made. The gallery contains hundreds of photographs: Simple-system flutes by G Rudall and J Mitchell Rose before they formed their partnership, by Rudall & Rose; by Rudall Rose & Carte, by Rudall Carte : Advanced simple-system flutes, including Carte's 'Old System' and flutes made to Clinton and Siccama systems : Boehm flutes with ring keys, both conical and cylindrical : Modern-style Boehm flutes : Carte's 1851 Patent flutes : Carte's 1867 Patent flutes : Radcliff flutes : Unusual flutes, including those made to special order for the inventors Mathews, Martin and Welch. Appendices include addresses, dates and serial numbers; workshop photographs, design features of Rudall Carte flutes; price lists and fingering charts.
'synopsis' may belong to another edition of this title.
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For further reading: Edward Blakeman, Wibb—A Flute for Life (2016), 49–50, 178–80. To the raised lower note of certain semitone intervals (see augmented notes). “Godfroy Cylindrical Flute Serial Numbers” and “Rudall Cylindrical Flute. 1–2; Robert Bigio, Rudall, Rose & Carte: The Art of the Flute in Britain (2011),.