Google Chrome Promises To Fix That Battery Drain Problem For Mac

  воскресенье 19 апреля

A recent report shed light on a major bug in Google’sChrome web browser that causes the batteries in Windows laptops to drain much faster than normal. In fact, the issue could cause laptop batteries to die 25% quicker. The bug causes laptops’ processors to wake up and look for tasks 1,000 times each second instead of 64 times per second, as they should, and users have been advised to avoid using Chrome on Windows machines if they value battery life.

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But help is on the way: A new report states that Google has acknowledged the issue and is currently working to fix it. Ver virus en mac.

A report on Thursday from PCWorld stated that Google is not only aware of the issue, it has a team working to fix it and has made it a top priority.

“In a statement to PCWorld, the company noted that the bug has been assigned internally, and that the Chrome team is working to fix it—though only after Morris shined a spotlight on the issue,” PCWorld’s Jared Newman reported. “The long-standing bug report has been bumped up to priority one.”

Unfortunately, no timeline was given for a fix.


May 04, 2015  Chrome isn’t the minimal web browser it once was. Originally named Chrome because it was designed to get out of your way, Chrome is no longer just a minimal browser — it’s an entire application platform. Google’s browser seems to eat quite a bit of battery life, particularly on Macs.